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How to create file for insertion
This step is crucial for successfully adding new content to your
EPUB files. The first three steps should be done in your
preferred formatting software such as Sigil or Vellum. Note: Examples shown
7-Zip .
To format the new content correctly, use your regular ebook formatting software
and add the new page to an EPUB book.
Note the name of the XHTML file which contains the page you'll use to update
all other EPUBS.
Validate the EPUB.
Using 7-zip, open the newly updated EPUB file. There are two ways to open:
Right-click on the EPUB in File Explorer, select 7-zip.
Or, Open 7-zip and navigate to the file as you would in File
Using 7-zip, navigate to the file you need. The placement of the file will
depend on your formatting software.
Select the file then copy.
Figure 1 : Right-click or select File:Copy To. Shortcut: F5
Select location to save new file.